Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.
SMS messaging is now available for business users in the Console as well as in the Ring4 Desktop app!

You can now set your Business Hours and after hours voicemail for your company. You will find this under "Phone settings" in the left hand menu within your Ring4 business console account.

Shared company contacts are now working for you to have a shared set of contacts for your Team.
Find them under the menu item "Company contacts" in the business console. Any contacts you add here will show as a separate tab in your mobile device called "Company". Give it a try!
If you would like to have a greeting message that navigates callers to different parts of your business you can now do this with the Ring4 auto-attendant!
Just login to your console account and navigate to Phone Settings. From here you can upload your greeting message and build your menu of options (ie For support, press 1. For sales, press 2.)

Business users no longer have to manually refill your credits for international calling, recording or transcripts. Under "Billing and credits" just set your auto-refill amount so your account always tops off your set credit amount.

Save on annual plans with Ring4. Now available on new business console accounts.